Minnesota's Most Awarded

Family Owned
Cafe and Bakery

Keys Cafe & Bakery For St. Paul Weekend Brunch

Consider Keys Cafe & Bakery For St. Paul Weekend Brunch

Restaurant Clicks has recognized Keys Cafe & Bakery locations as spots to consider for brunch in St. Paul and brunch in Minneapolis.

Noting that the ‘cafe chain has a casual and friendly vibe’ the site continues by writing that Keys welcomes anyone ‘craving tasty scratch-made goodness.’

The fresh-baked pastries on the brunch menu that are mentioned are just that, freshly prepared and from scratch and baked every morning at each Keys Cafe & Bakery location.

Restaurant Clicks is an aggregator website which publishes lists and reviews by local food writers in cities across the U.S.

The site displays all local writers who contribute to the growing city-based restaurant content.

Keys Cafe & Bakery was founded by Minnesota Restaurant Hall of Fame Inductee Barbara Hunn in the early 1970s and operates family restaurants in eight Twin Cities communities still serving her original recipes: